I am an economist at the US Federal Trade Commission Antitrust Division. I received my PhD in economics from Columbia University. For my dissertation, I developed econometric methodologies for analyzing static and dynamic strategic interactions of firms. My current research interest spans various topics in econometrics and industrial organization.
CV: [link]
Email: pkoh@ftc.gov
Working Papers
"Concentration-Based Inference for Evaluating Horizontal Mergers," 07/2024 [arXiv]
"Market Definition: A Sensitivity Analysis," 06/2024 [arXiv] (R&R @ International Journal of Industrial Organization)
"Merger Analysis with Latent Price," 07/2024 [arXiv]
"Estimating Discrete Games of Complete Information: Bringing Logit Back in the Game," 07/2024 [arXiv]
"Identification and Estimation of Dynamic Games with Unknown Information Structure" (with Konan Hara and Yuki Ito), 07/2024 [arXiv]
"Stable Outcomes and Information in Games: An Empirical Framework," Journal of Econometrics, 2023 [arXiv] [publisher]
"Court-appointed Experts and Accuracy in Adversarial Litigation" (with Chulyoung Kim), International Journal of Economic Theory, 2020
"Minimum Asset and Liability Insurance Requirements on Judgment-proof Individuals When Harm is Endogenous" (with Chulyoung Kim), Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 2019
Policy Work
At the FTC, I conduct economic analyses to assess the anticompetitiveness of mergers in various industries.